案例研究:荷兰新一代 DNA 测序仪首次用于刑事定罪 Case Study: First Criminal Conviction from Next-Gen DNA in Holland

案例研究:荷兰新一代 DNA 测序仪首次用于刑事定罪 Case Study: First Criminal Conviction from Next-Gen DNA in Holland

2019-06-19 09:17:04

下一代 DNA 测序已经过了很长时间(中国称为二代测序技术),带来了一波期望和希望,该技术不仅能够帮助人类更好地生命的基本组成部分 — — 同时对于犯罪现场的DNA样本认识带来了新的信息。最近,欧洲荷兰实现了一个巨大的飞跃,在那里,下一代测序(NGS),又称为大规模高通量并行测序(MPS),今年早些时候首次应用于刑事定罪。 案件发生在阿姆斯特丹的西边区域,从一个男子猥亵犯罪中获取的DNA样本,本案的定罪成为刑事案件中应用新一代DNA测序仪的标志性事件。

Next-generation DNA sequencing has been a long time in coming, bringing with it a tidal wave of expectations and promise for better understanding the fundamental building block of life – and its relation to crime scenes of the future. One huge leap was recently realized in Holland, where next-generation sequencing (NGS), otherwise known as massively parallel sequencing (MPS), earlier this year secured its first criminal conviction. The man pulled her hand onto his penis, despite resistance. In a few emails with Forensic Magazine, de Knijff explained three aspects of the MPS results allowed more data to build the case. One other notable criminal case has presented MPS results.


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